Saturday, October 18, 2008

What to do with the Red Wall?

I have always wanted a red wall in my house so when we moved in, the first wall painted was the wall in our great room. That was as far as I got. I've had some ideas (large photos, giant iron piece) but couldn't decided until now. This is what I came up with..

I still feel like it's lacking something though. Any thoughts or ideas?


Kimbie said...

you should put a big picture where the shelves are, and then stagger the shelves to the left of the picture.

The Bells said...

I love the red wall! Painting is a lot of work! Josh and I have some large art on the wall and then two hanging looks nice and may be an option for your house. Hope all is well!

Katy said...

some saying with vynal lettering would be cute