Friday, October 3, 2008

A Utah Man Am I!

For fathers day, Chris and I gave my dad the University of Utah football schedule and told him to pick any 2 games to go to and we bought the tickets. Well last night was game 1 and the second game will be against TCU November 6th. My dad pulled some strings and got us side line passes before the game. We have never been on the field before, so it was cool to watch the players warm up and to see the stadium from that angle.

Chris and I on the field

My dad and I on the field

The View from the Field

Warming up before the game (these men are HUGE)

As for the game....our offense didn't play well, we really struggled to keep our score up. I gave up on the Utes at the beginning of the 4th quarter, as did most of the fans. The crowd grew smaller during the 4th quarter. The last 2 minutes of the game, the offense finally pulled their heads out of their rear. We barely won the game, but a win is a win!
I am so proud to be a Ute fan! I hope that we can continue to win so that we can kick BYUs trash! It was a great game and I got to spend the night with my 2 favorite men and can't wait to do it again November 6th!


The Crazy Utah Fans Taking over the Field!


The Bells said...

What a cute picture of you and your dad! Looks like you guys had a great time! I miss going to those games! Go UTES!

dusty kay said...

You were at an intense game to be at. I was going CRAZY watching on tv!

Tara said...

Go Utes!

Trish the Dish said...

Wow Amber - I didn't realize you were such a football fan! Go Utes! They did awesome last night (from what Kelly tells me). I'm afraid to admit I have football A.D.D. and can't seem to sit through an entire game without my mind wandering anywhere but where that game is. We even went to an NFL game for Kelly's 30th b-day in December and I found myself getting BORED for heaven's sake! I know, I guess I'm just not All-American. :) Looks like you're doing really well though. Keep in touch, cutie!