Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Labor Story

I love to read every ones labor stories and how their day went, so here is ours. It is kind of long, but I don't want to forget the details!

On September 11th, we went into the hospital at 5am. At about 6am I was hooked up to the machines and ready to go. At this point I was measuring 3 cm and was 90% effaced. Things progressed nicely and at about 10:30 we decided to get the epidural. I was really scared about getting it and was shaking. Chris held my hands while I got the shot and my body flinched when the shot went in. Chris said that watching me get the shot made him really nervous and that he started to sweat when I got the shot. About 15 minutes after I got the shot, I had a panic attack because I couldn't feel my body at all. I wanted Chris to calm me down so I asked him to sit me up and rub my back. When he tried to sit me up, I fell straight back because I had no feeling.

At 11am I was at 6cm and they decided to break my water, which I did not feel at all. At 12pm they decided to take me off the pitocin because Conners heart rate kept dropping dramatically when I would contract and they put me on oxygen. They also did an amniotic fluid transfer which is when they pump liquid around the placenta.

At about 1:30 I was 8cm and Conners heart rate was doing well so they hooked me back up to the pitocin. At 3:15pm I was at 10cm so they took me off the pitocin again. They allowed Conner to drop a little more and at 4pm they realized that Conner was face up. I kept pushing and at about 5pm they decided to try the vacuum to turn Conner around. This didn't work so they tried using forceps and they didn't work either. I continued pushing and at about 5:45pm they decided that I would need a c section. I got really scared and told myself that I was going to get him out. They called another doctor in and he helped push on my stomach. I kept telling Chris that I wanted to hear him (Conner) cry. I was so tired and drained at this point but I was determined to get Conner out, so I pushed with everything in me and at 5:54pm Conner was born!

He had his cord wrapped around his neck so as he came out the doctor had to push him back in a little bit to get the cord unwrapped. I couldn't feel the head or shoulders come out, but I could feel when his feet came out and I knew it was over! I tore a little on my own, but they had to cut me to help get him out. I had a level 3 episiotomy, but no c section!

It was such an incredible experience and we are so grateful that everything went as well as it did! The staff at IMC was amazing and we are grateful to them for the care that they gave our family.
Chris and I are truly thankful for the wonderful blessing that we have received!


Tara said...

Look how cute your little guy is. So little, so cute. I'm glad he decided to come out on his own! You dialted really quick. Which is awesome. I'm glad that you and the baby are doing great!

Snell Family said...

I'm glad you didn't have to have a c-section and they were able to get Conner out. I can't imagine how tired you were after pushing for over 2 hours!

Melanie said...

Leah and I got there at about 4:30 and when we'd heard that you had already been pushing for about 45 minutes I just about died. Then 15 minutes more would pass, then 15 minutes more... etc... I felt like every little minute was just too much. I felt so bad for you, but we all knew you could do it!

And some of us in the hall got to hear you hear Conner's first cry. That was truly wonderful! We're so glad everything turned out well. He's wonderful!

Kindra said...

Amber, I am soooo proud of you! I can't say it enough! Pushing is so hard, I can't believe you did i it for 2 hours. That just blows my mind. I am glad that everyone is happy and healthy. I am especially glad that you have such a wonderful hubby to be there for you! Congratulations new parents!

Nielsen Familia said...

What a cute boy! Who was your Dr. At the IMC? I had Dr. Barton, and he was awesome!

Amber said...

Dr. Irion was my doctor and he is an amazing man!

The Deviny's said...

Thank goodness little Conner decided to come out! That would be a really strange feeling not being able to feel your body, I probably would have had the same reaction if I would have had an epidural! I hope that you're recovery is speedy! Conner is quite the cutie!

Jess said...

Wow! What a story! I'm glad you were able to get him out on your own after all that hard work... We were not that lucky. But hey, you do what you have to to get them here safe :) good job!