Friday, July 6, 2012

38 Weeks-The Day Before The Birth

How Far Along: 38 Weeks and 2 Days
Size of Baby: About 6 1/2 pounds is what they tell me from the ultrasound
Maternity Clothes: Living in Maxi skirts and loving it! 
Gender: BOY!
Movement: Movements have slowed down a lot. I'm pretty sure the poor guy is just out of room. We did have a scare in the 37th week. I felt him move around 9 or 10pm-normal. Tried to fall asleep around 1am but couldn't. Realized at about 2am that I hadn't felt movement at all, no contracting either. I began to panic. I tried rolling on my sides, pushing my stomach and finally decided to walk around. While walking around I remembered at my non stress test they made me drink juice to get him moving. So I drank some juice. Nothing. I finally woke Chris up at about 3:30am and we sat there trying to decided if we should go to the hospital or not. We decided (well mostly I did) to wait until the morning and see what happens. And then he moved! It scared me have to death to think that something could've been wrong, but I just had a feeling to wait and that things would be ok. And they were. 
Sleep: Not a lot of that going on these days. 
What I Miss: Bending over easily, not being so tired, having energy and being able to do simple things like the dishes or sweep the floor without getting winded. 
Cravings: Still loving hamburgers and things like ice cream, snow cones. 
Symptoms: Fat, Fat Face, Tired, out of breath easily. I get a lot of pains frequently. I'm assuming because I'm dilating and he is just working his way down. And I have somehow failed to mention this during this pregnancy-but I am very hormonal! I am happy one second, snap the next! 
Best Moment of the Week: Going to my appointment and the doctor telling me that I was going to have a baby the next week! I'm pretty sure that I freaked out and almost went into shock when she told me July 3rd. 
Appointments this Week: Had a doctor appointment and set up the date to be induced-July 3rd! 
What I'm Looking Forward to: Finally meeting Braxton, becoming a family of 4 and seeing Conner's reaction to meeting Braxton.
This Week's Thoughts: Let's just get this party started! 
Pictures from this Week: Here you go.....

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