Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stroller Issue Solved!

After much debate, research and advice from all of you we (mostly I) decided that this is the stroller we are going to get

It is the Kolcraft Contours 4 Wheel Stroller. I love it because it will fit any car seat on it's base and can face forward or backwards!

And this is the car seat that we are going to get

It is Chico Brand and has a handle so it will be great to leave the baby in the car seat and take her wherever we want to!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Only 10 Weeks

There are only 10 weeks left until my brother comes home from his mission! It has been a quick 2 years and I am excited to have him come home. Since he left, my sister has had 2 babies, I am pregnant, my parents got a new dog and had 7 puppies and my sister and I both bought houses. He is coming back to a lot of good changes! I put a counter at the bottom of the blog to count the days down!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stroller Issues

I have a "planner brain" and I plan things really far in advance and think about things really far in advance, so yes, I'm already thinking about which stroller to buy. I have been doing some research in the past week and have a headache. So I need help from you Veteran Moms out there...should I get a travel system or not?

We already have car seats, so we don't really need them. But I've been thinking about getting one with a handle on it so that when I go places I can just take the car seat out. Most travel systems look big and bulky. But then what do I do when Chris is out of town and I have to go to the store, just carry the baby and try and shop? I don't know!!!

So help me out and give me your thoughts!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Chris has wanted a tattoo for awhile and I haven't really wanted him to get one (I'm not a huge fan of them). But for his birthday in January I gave him a gift card to get a tattoo. So last week, he went and got it! He is a big Boston Red Sox fan, so he got their logo on his shoulder. I think that artist did a really good job and the tattoo looks really good. I'm still warming up to it though!

Friday, February 13, 2009

First Appointment

Chris and I had our first appointment for the baby today! We were right on with being 9 weeks along and my due date is September 18th! We got to see the baby on an ultrasound and you could see her little heart beating, it was so cool! We couldn't hear it yet though. The doctor said that everything looks good with me and the baby! And I have gained 4 pounds of the weight back that I lost which is great!

I am really afraid of the floating orb babies that people put on their blogs, so I found this cute widget to count down the pregnancy! September seems like it is forever away, but I know that it will be here in the blink of an eye!

Monday, February 9, 2009


I've now lost a total of 12 pounds in the past few weeks and am not able to keep liquids or food down. So my doc scheduled me to get an IV today! In my almost 25 years of life I have never had to go to the hospital for myself. I've never broken or sprained anything, never had to have stitches, nothing! So I'm pretty scared. Chris is going to go with me though which I know will help. And I know that it's what I need to do for me and the baby!