Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fall and Rain and Random Stuff

I know that I already posted about fall, but I need my ugly children to be on another page so I don't have to look at them. So I will keep posting random posts until they are gone!

I am loving the weather today! Chris and I have been sleeping with the windows open at night and this morning we woke up, cuddled, and smelled the rain! It was so nice. I love the smell of rain! I heard on the radio that it's been like 60 days since we had rain so it's great that we are getting some.

I wore a hoddie last night and loved it! No one made fun of me for wearing a jacket or hoddie in 90 degree weather, I actually needed it!

I'm so glad that we put in our yard in! I usually have to dust 3 times a week because the dogs were bringing in so much dirt from outside. But since we put the grass down, I haven't had to dust!

I got my late fall DownEast catalog and there are SO many cute things in it! I know that I just went shopping there, but I need to go again. Check out their website at!

I am hoping that took up enough space to bump my ugly kids to the next page, if not i will try and find something better to blog about tomorrow!

1 comment:

The Deviny's said...

Oh man I just got my catalog too and there are so many things that I want...or need as I tell my hubby!